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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wake Up Call from Dark Synergy Studios (Reveal Trailer)

Unreal Engine 4... Should I say something more? Ok, I will. A first person shooter indie title that is still being in deep development phase. You can expect some stealth gameplay, sandbox enviorment, some choices driven story, and all that with some post-apocalyptic taste in it! Some of the people making this title have been working on Killzone 3, and some are indie devs all the way. If that is not an interesting coctail, then I don't know what is.

How do you get into this interesting mix? Very simple, you play as a spec ops soldier who got into cryosleep and woke up after one hundred fifty years. Your name is Kyle Rogers and you instantly fall into a world driven by some alien conflicts... They promise it is going to be an epic adventure, it just might be.


  1. The game sucks a lot and it is nothing but a generic sci fi copy.

    1. But there is always a chance they will make something good out of it, it's in early development.
